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  • by pulsar5271
  • (unregistered id: DA55D7068E)
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Yeah, Dermitt's gotta be Brock's son. Who else? It just fits; he and Hank hit it off immediately, just like Brock and Hank. Plus it's a well-documented fact that Brock has sown plenty of wild oats.

And the mother in the car had a Scottish (or Irish?) accent, so it's unlikely that it's Myra. Though I guess that could be explained away on account of the crazy...
  • 0
Jun. 28, 2008, 11:11pm
  • by kruez
  • (unregistered id: 90250538E0)
  • Reply
definately not myra, the nose was too big, plus how she kinda sounded like barara streisand
  • 0
Jun. 29, 2008, 3:39am
  • by someguyon the internet
  • (unregistered id: 72D1B28CF8)
  • Reply
They seem to be telegraphing this whole Brock is Dermit's father thing a bit too much. Methinks they're throwing us a curveball, and Doc Venture is the boy's father. He had mentioned in "Past Tense" yjat he didn't lose his cherry until he was 24 or 26 (I can't remember) making Dermit roughly the right age.
  • 0
Jun. 29, 2008, 5:12am
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: B280EB4B97)
  • Reply
And said "You should have scene her" suggesting she wasn't the best looking girl in the world, while at least Myra is passable.
  • 0
Jun. 29, 2008, 5:23am
  • by BFunk
  • (unregistered id: C0427C099F)
  • Reply
That would be awfully tricky of them to pull a fast one on us and have him not be Brock's son, but come on. He's got to be. The kid's huge, he has a much greater resemblance to Brock than to Doc, and he was particularly hostile towards Brock.

Meanwhile, Brock's been with tons of women, and they probably weren't all supermodels. Remember Lt. Baldovich? Plus this woman would probably be in her forties by now, so there's no reason to believe she'd still be gorgeous...if she ever was.

My money's on it being Leslie Cohen.
  • 0
Jun. 29, 2008, 8:35am
  • by Bhaakon
  • (unregistered id: 1A225C6080)
  • Reply
They were telegraphing Brock pretty hard though.

I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be Jonny's spawn, but it's a pretty long shot.
  • 0
Jun. 29, 2008, 9:00am
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: DD74F4CF47)
  • Reply
The fact that they were telegraphing it hard is exactly why I think its NOT Brock.
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2008, 5:36pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Well, you could prove anything with that "logic" of yours. Just claim it's opposite day, or you've taken a trip to Bizarro Venture Brothers.

Apart from shooting Billy (Dermott is probably a lousy shot like he is a lousy fighter: all talk, no substance) Dermott had ZERO interaction with Billy; he had lots of interaction with Brock. It is extremely clear from their conversation in the car that his mother sent Dermott to the day camp specifically to meet his father. Dermott made it a point to interact with Brock, and not with Billy or Johnny or most of the other adults (he does mock Rusty but Rusty isn't fazed in the slightest - unlike Brock).

The entire episode is about fatherhood. Notice Rusty telling Brock that he doesn't understand fatherhood; notice Orpheus telling Brock pretty much the same thing. Notice how easily Dermott pushes Brock's buttons (as a child would do to a parent). Notice how Dermott is precisely the kind of child Brock would not want (disappointed father syndrome). Notice how Dermott is big and blond and looks a bit like Brock.

How much clearer could it be? If this is a huge fake out, then that's terrible writing. One or two false clues are sometimes excusable, but not this many. If it isn't Brock then there's either something very obvious we are all missing (including you "it isn't Brock" people), or else Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer are getting really lazy. They haven't done something like that yet.
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2008, 11:40am
  • by warjoski
  • (unregistered id: A70938E3C5)
  • Reply
Agree with the telegraphing Brock's son bit. Think he's Billy's son.
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2008, 5:40am
  • by Dude, you are wrong
  • (unregistered id: E561391488)
  • Reply
Get this. Doc is 43 years old. Take 19 years (the age of the boys if they hadnt die a couple of times) outta that and you end up with a 24. Rusty lost his virginity when he was 24 years old. So the boys are the result of that night of "passion"

  • 0
Jun. 30, 2008, 7:47am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Check out promo for next week's episode they are showing on Adult Swim; scene of Rusty getting it on with some red headed woman in a tent and he mentions something about not having sex (or not having sex with this woman - not clear to me) in about 19 years. More revelations to come, it seems.
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2008, 11:20am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Rusty does say or imply that his first sex was with someone really ugly "you didn't see her, it (she?) was horrific". The young Myra isn't ugly at all. The red headed woman in the new promo about to have sex with Rusty isn't bad looking either. The only bad looking woman is the mannish looking woman who says "how's it hanging?" to Brock in one of the older promos. It's possible Rusty had sex with several women when he was 24, and that it was only the first one who was "horrific". Hmmm...
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2008, 11:32am
  • by Da7e
  • (unregistered id: 90EE92AB4C)
  • Reply
Chances are, the mother is in the cast photo:
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2008, 11:26pm
  • by Da7e
  • (unregistered id: 90EE92AB4C)
  • Reply
Chances are, the mother is in the cast photo:
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2008, 11:26pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Dermott's mother speaking in the car sounded a bit like an Australian accent to me, not Scottish or Irish. But she definitely did not sound like Myra.

Nor did she sound (I think - my memory could be bad here) like the mannish looking woman in the Dr. Qymn (sp?) Medicine Woman promo who says "how's it hanging?" to Brock, nor did she sound like the red headed woman that Rusty is about to have sex with in the latest promo for that very same episode (if I'm right - they are both set in tents in what could be the Australian outback or somewhere else far away in the wilds).

Hmmm....too many mystery women's voices to keep track of. I guess we will just have to wait until Friday. Or maybe even longer.
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2008, 11:27am

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