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  • by Leah
  • (unregistered id: DD0ADEEF4F)
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Well, this episode has the slowest pacing of all the episodes this season, but I liked it. It had alot of character development, and also, I think this the ONLY episode in any VB season not to have bloody, gory, hilarious violence in it. And still I was okay with it.
This what I liked the best:

"Doctor Use-to-be-Girlfriend ", said by Sgt. Hatred. Yeah, that's right what a comical and dead on way to point out how stupid a tradition it is for women to loose their names when they get marries.

"You didn't have to take your clothes off, too!'
"Hey, I saw you take off yours and I thought slip and slide! It's just in my genetic make-up."
Dean trying to make 24 feel better, when he walks into sick bay with a clown nose and goofy blue Doctor's bag. "This sick bay is qaurintined, because smiles are contagious!"
And I laughed out loud when Dr. Mrs. Monarch said "Who the hell is Jackie Onassis?"
These charcaters on this show unlike let's say, Family Guy actaully remember things from episode to episode and season to season. Except for Brian. But, I've noticed on this season of VB, they are really being more character driven instead of story and schitck driven. Which is bitchin'. Also, Sgt. Hatred is the creepiest, Chester the Molester character on the show, which is saying something.
I wish I could live in a gated community for super villians. That's hardcore!
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 4:58am
Hatred unexpectedly shooting Rusty was hilarious.

I think I'll have to watch this one again to let it grow on me, Maybe it was the slower pace, but there was some good character development in that bland gated community supervillian party. I can feel for The Monarch how Supervilliany in the Venture universe has gone so...mundane. Hatred gave Rusty a gift basket!?

The rest of the episode with the boys and 21/24 evened out the slow pacing. Hank doing pac man's death noise...that sold me.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 5:24am
  • by Dandy
  • (unregistered id: 79F612DEE7)
  • Reply
I don't think the gift basket was standard procedure, though. He was being extra nice to Dr. Venture to piss off the Monarch. Hatred knows that the Monarch can't stand to see Venture safe and happy so he is going out of his way not to harm Rusty.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 9:54am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Yeah but if you're going to be extra nice you'd think he could do better than okra!

Seriously though I agree with your analysis of Sargent Hatred's actions/motivations.
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 6:45am
  • by Leah
  • (unregistered id: DD0ADEEF4F)
  • Reply
He's friggin Sgt. Hatred okra is the best he can do, and the part where he said 86 the nonlethal; we're going full nerf with this one. Hilarious!
Was I the only one who was , like how did the boys not recognize him as the man who no no touched them? It was mentioned in 2 seperate episodes what was that about?
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 9:58am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Possibility 1: the cloning/memory bed reprogramming is faulty and they have died a few times since the molestation incident and their current incarnations don't remember the incident.

Possibility 2: they remember it (or anyway Hank does) but they are so used to weirdness and bizarre adventures that meeting Sargent Hatred a second time hardly fazes them. It's just another day at the office for the Venture Brothers. Like Hank says to Dr. Venture when explaining about being so nonchalant about Dr. Venture being turned into a giant caterpillar: he sees this weird sh!t all the time. Meeting Sargent Hatred a second time, in a social context where it is obvious that Sargent Hatred is no threat to them, would hardly be something they would bother comment on.
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 12:37pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Of course Hank's behavior at the wedding at the end of Season Two doesn't jibe with possibility 2 outlined above. Unless Hank draws a distinction between sitting next to Sargent Hatred on the one hand and social situations like that party on the other where he isn't asked to sit next to him (who knows how his mind really works).

Maybe each cloning session just makes the boys stupider and/or they lose random bits of memory. Those programming beds and the computers they are hooked up to still run off of punch cards and magnetic reel-to-reel tapes, for crying out loud!
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 12:57pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Edit to above: actually this would have been at least the third time Hank has met Sargent Hatred...maybe third time is the charm.
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 1:07pm
  • by Shoyren
  • (unregistered id: A9A1F3E102)
  • Reply
I think they do remember him. If you watch their facial expressions as they're leaving at the end of the episode, you can see the discomfort on their faces as Hatred tries to coax them to stay.
  • 0
Jun. 24, 2008, 9:06am
  • by cuavsfan
  • (unregistered id: EC635F2DC2)
  • Reply
Even though there wasn't any on-screen "bloody, gory, hilarious violence," I loved the implied violence by the army of wounded men limping / crawling to the tank and the shot of Brock, covered in blood and breathing heavily. We're still waiting for the first awesome Brock moment of the season, but that image was great.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 5:34am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
One of the Adult Swim promos shows Brock, dressed up in what appears to be mummy bandages, beating up a bunch of Sargent Hatred's henchmen. Since this wasn't in this week's episode, that must mean there's an upcoming episode where we get to see Brock go full bore aggro on some hapless henchmen. That also means we'll be seeing more of Sargent Hatred this season, which is double-plus good. He's growing as a character; should be fun to watch.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 6:00am
  • by Doc
  • (unregistered id: BB3F85A480)
  • Reply
Jackson said that they had to find a new voice for Hatred this season because he's going to become a major character. I forget where I read that interview, but I'm sure someone less lazy can help me out.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 10:41am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
I like how Dr. Girlfriend's Murderous Moppets are growing as characters, too. The Monarch's reference to them as wanting to sleep like cats at the foot of the bed meshes with how Dr. Girlfriend explains the Moppets version of events: the henchmen are picking on them and 21 and 24 were very mean to them! Ha! The moppets are like Dr. Girlfriend's pet cats - evil and sneaky cats!
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 6:03am
  • by peterbr
  • (unregistered id: 7A6C8A2429)
  • Reply
"They said 24 picked a fight with them. Can you believe that?"
"24? No, actually"
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 7:56pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
The moppets conversation about killing someone with gas (when they are watching the TV) suggests some interesting upcoming plot lines involving them.
  • 0
Jun. 22, 2008, 6:43am
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 027D18FA77)
  • Reply
Brock's heavy breathing and bloodiness was also a nice callback to the pilot episode after he killed that gator. He was even wearing the same outfit!
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 8:56am
  • by Miller Industries
  • (unregistered id: ACBD24991A)
  • Reply
"Yeah, that's right what a comical and dead on way to point out how stupid a tradition it is for women to loose their names when they get marries."

Umm. I don't think it's really a tradition. I mean, more than anything, changing one's name when they get married makes sense. It's more of a distinction than a tradition. Getting married in a church: tradition. Having a wedding cake: tradition. Changing your name: effecient.

Example: I want people to know that my wife IS my wife. When we go places I want people to say, "Look, there goes Mr. and Mrs. Blah blah blah." Rather than "There's Mr. Blah and his wife Mrs. Blah Blah." Get my point.

I'm not trying to be mean about it or anything, but some feminists just think everything is about them. I don't think changing names strips people of their identity. More like it helps them embrace the new role they have chosen.

Sorry I'm letting it all out, but I'm about to get married, and my fiance is thrilled to take up the mantle of MILLER. It's not stupid, trust me.
  • 0
Jun. 21, 2008, 12:28pm
  • by Tony
  • (unregistered id: DCB223E3AA)
  • Reply
Actually, in the credits Dr Girlfriend is listed as "Dr. Ms. the Monarch".

  • 0
Jun. 23, 2008, 4:33am

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