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Hey There, Mystery Person
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  • by josh
  • (unregistered id: 189792C1CF)
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I don't know what everyone who thinks that this episode put the "hank being brock's clone" arguement to rest was thinking. You are going to take the word of an admittedly crazy person on this one over brocks? So, Dr. Venture banged her? I hate to reiterate 5th grade health class but that doesn't mean that she got pregnant. By the way she didn't look anything like Sharon Stone but she did remind me a lot of Sally Impossible.
  • 0
Sep. 25, 2006, 9:57pm
  • by Frankie
  • (unregistered id: 551E24626B)
  • Reply
Actually, what put that argument to rest is Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer saying so, both at DragonCon and on JP's journal.
  • 0
Sep. 25, 2006, 10:35pm
  • by Gothicoyne
  • (unregistered id: 63B0D5F824)
  • Reply
Keep up w/your VB trivia, i mean Publick and Doc Hammer have already answered the "who's the mother question" when they said that question would be answered toward the end of this season, i really feel that if you waste your time trying to predict everything thats going to happen, well, you just have too much time on your hands. just sit back and enjoy the ep's w/o stressing out about theories and cliffhangers. Not all your questions are going to be answered, this is in fact an animated show, not real life.
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 5:34am
  • by Retro
  • (unregistered id: FE60C01588)
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Brock has lied to the boys before ... I mean, they have been cloned 14 times and are still 16 when they should really be 19 ...

He's on Venture's payroll. And his story about her being an American Gladiator who hates the Ventures is pretty thin, when she's clearly more of an older, Molotov Cocktease kinda girl, who Rusty probably drove nuts.

Went nuts, fell in love, had two kids, broke the rules ... that's how Brock gets the job. (Now we just need to find out what Brock screwed up to get assigned such a crappy job).
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 6:24am
  • by Bhaakon
  • (unregistered id: E8E15D61E6)
  • Reply
Brock's 40-something, and clearly not cut out for a desk job, maybe he's just retired (at least, as retired as a secret agent can be).
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 8:09am
Man, theories are like hydras; cut one head off and two sprout to take its place. Since Caged Bird aired I've read theories about Myra being the sister of either Brock or Sally Impossible. Then there are those who use Myra's insanity to discount her claims altogether, or find them ambiguous, at best. Doubtlessly, they're hoping that Myra is a red herring the writers threw in so they can reveal that Brock really IS Hank's dad in the Season Finale. Sorry guys, but it ain't gonna happen.

Myra IS the mother of Hank and Dean, and even though she has clearly gone over the edge, that doesn't mean she's lying. Think about it:

*Doc and Jackson have publicly shot down the clone theory, on-line and in public.
*Myra is old enough to be their mother.
*She slept with Rusty and he confirmed it.
*The Brock/Hank theories are based solely on Hank's hair color, build, and slightly more outgoing personality. Myra explains all of those things, and is a far more logical candidate than Brock.
*Someone mentioned the boys have the same nose as Myra. Granted, but all of the women in the Venture universe have that nose so take that with a fistful of salt.
*In Season 1 Doc said "I started it in a moment of passion and I'll end it that way!" or words to that effect. Myra also refers to her fling with Rusty as the most passionate moment of their lives. That proves nothing, but the writers are clearly making associations between her and Doc's memory of the event that support her being the mother. This is also true of both her and the boys' habit of saying "Ten O'Clock Two O'Clock" when they drive. Again, that in no way proves a blood relationship, but it's another way for the writers to make that connection for the audience that Myra really is their mother.
*Myra was able to enter the Venture compound undetected, and has done so before, so it's a good bet that she's spent some time there and knows their security measures. This lends credence to her claim that she was once Rusty's former bodyguard.
*As we saw in Assassinanny, Rusty is not above hitting on a "hotcha bodyguard"
*Myra may not know that the boys have been cloned but she claims to know their true age. The fact that the boys disagree with her means nothing since they themselves don't know their true ages.
*Myra also knows about the learning aids built within the boys' beds, not something that is common knowledge.
*This post is already too long but suffice it to say Myra being the boys' mother is THEMATICALLY correct. In a series that is so much about failure and the way people don't live up to our expectations, it's appropriate that the boys' mother turned out to be damaged goods.
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 10:04am
  • by Frankie
  • (unregistered id: 551E24626B)
  • Reply
Master Billy Quizboy also has the same nose. OH NO IS HE THEIR REAL MOTHER?!
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 4:51pm
I think my earlier response got lost in the ether but good call, Frankie. I forgot about Billy.

That little upturned nose seems like the animators short hand whenever drawing feminine or youthful characters so it makes sense to use it on a Boy-Genius. There are exceptions of course, like Baron Underbheit.


Now THAT would be twist.
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 7:59pm
  • by TheHumanStain
  • (unregistered id: 5BE3F3FB7B)
  • Reply
Since we're going down THAT road, what about the Monarch? Maybe HE was originally a woman, and the still-unexplained hatred between him and Rusty was an affair that went SO bad, the Monarch went lesbo-tranny (this would also explain his twisted desire for the deep voiced pseudo-women Dr. Girlfriend, AND why Rusty doesn't even understand why the Monarch hates him - Rusty knew him as a woman!)!!

  • 0
Sep. 26, 2006, 9:34pm

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