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  • by Vivas
  • (unregistered id: 23C5737475)
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Kim is gonna make one super-sexy villian. Also I love how they keep making jokes about Hank's "junk". Lastly, does anyone else find it odd that Triana hasn't had a sit down with Dean to tell him that he's officially dead? I mean I get why the other characters are staying mum, but why Triana? In the season opener she was totally against her father resurrecting them.
  • 0
Aug. 15, 2006, 11:40am
  • by Peter
  • (unregistered id: 50F9B5A35D)
  • Reply
I'm thinking Orpheus took Venture's advice and told her they never really died. After all, she wasn't in the car when the boys were killed, so never actually saw their dead bodies.
  • 0
Aug. 15, 2006, 4:58pm
  • by Frankie
  • (unregistered id: 551E24626B)
  • Reply
She knew they were dead because she was asking her dad not to bring them back as zombies in Powerless.
  • 0
Aug. 15, 2006, 5:52pm
  • by TheHumanStain
  • (unregistered id: 2B65CE4461)
  • Reply
Doc Orpheus has the power to make people SLEEP!! Then to make them FORGET!!!! as was shown in 'Mummy', so he most likely used his mojo on Triana to ease her pain.
  • 0
Aug. 15, 2006, 6:16pm
  • by WorstServedCold
  • (unregistered id: 9C9A58C61F)
  • Reply
I second stain's theory. Of course, it's also possible that as the respectable goth chick she is, she knows about it and accepts it as just another quirk.
What I'm wondering about is why we have yet to meet any real superheros, with the possible exception of some of the background people in Tag Sale. We know they are out there, one was mentioned by name in Powerless in the Face of Death by that Crocodile Rainman guy at the henchmen support group. So far the only people who come close to fitting the bill of "superhero" are Professor Impossible, since he's got superpowers and isn't flat-out evil (just a dick), Brock, and Dr. O. But Impossible seems content to remain a super scientist, Brock doesn't go out of his way to fight any villains not attacking the Ventures, and Orpheus as of yet doesn't even have anyone to foil, apart from various supernatural entities.
As long as I'm wondering about characters, what's with Brock's refusal to use guns? Normally in media, people who hate guns do so because they are apposed to violence, so I think we can write that one off. The only theory that I have is that Brock likes to be sporting about it... he's such a skillfull killer that he wouldn't get to experience the joy of the hunt if he can just pop anyone he sees.
  • 0
Aug. 15, 2006, 8:34pm
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: 521A00798C)
  • Reply
I think you could consider the original Team Venture as superheroes in a way. The were shown in two first season eps, at the beginning of Ghosts of the Sargasso and were featured more prominently in Past Tense.

Captain Sunshine was also mentioned in the last episode of season one. 21 and 24 are visiting the Monarch in jail and he is asking them if they have completed certain tasks he asked of them since being incarcerated. "Have you returned the charred remains of Wonderboy to his beloved Captain Sunshine?". The Captain may have been on a bit of a vengence streak because of that when he took out Crimodile.
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2006, 1:37am
  • by TheHumanStain
  • (unregistered id: BCD6DC0BAF)
  • Reply
As Ah-nold said in 'Commando' - Brock likes "to stick the knife in - look him in the eyes to see what goes on in there when he TURNS it!"

And as Brock himself quoted "Move like an animal to FEEL the kill!"

Nice ass, Samson.
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2006, 5:21am

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