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  • by Bill Brasky
  • (unregistered id: 697ABCACE8)
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Jonas Jr. has no flaws? He's barely 2 feet tall and he has a prosthetic hand! Not to mention he spent the first 43 years of his life trapped inside the cesspool that is Rusty's body. He deserves some of the good life. And Jonny isn't a coke fiend or crackhead...from the way his arm was tied off he likey the heroin.
  • 0
Aug. 8, 2006, 12:31pm
  • by Doctor SnOZ the Headbanger
  • (unregistered id: 5F24FAF416)
  • Reply
yea, I thought he was on heroin...crack seemed to fit too, but....only a heroin addict would break down and admit that he was "in pain" the way Jonny did...didn't the ghost pirate guy step on something? it was quick...thought it mighta been a crack pipe...thats why i thought maybe crack...if heroin, i would expect the stereotypical strata such as syringes or spoons...heroin makes sense, but to me, so does crack...but then again, my drug knowledge is extremely limited
  • 0
Aug. 8, 2006, 6:06pm
beat me to it.
not to mention JJ goes to the heart of the problem with rusty: he's an usurper, functionally a cuckoo. Even with is late start, JJ is already outshining Rusty in all areas.

But there's the problem, right? Where do you go with the character beyond his backstory? Will he get an archenemy or eventually revert back to being an enemy of Rusty?
  • 0
Aug. 8, 2006, 6:15pm
  • by Steve W
  • (unregistered id: FEF1522A6E)
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I think that's what will eventually happen, JJ will overshadow Rusty like his Jonas Senior did, and Rusty will look more like a failure in comparison. His arch-enemies will end up going after JJ instead (maybe not the Monarch), Rusty's business will dry up because everyone wants to work with the successful Venture and not him, and in the end Rusty will have nothing left.

Actually, it might be kind of cool if Rusty Venture becomes an arch-villain to his brother JJ. That'd make a good 'What If' kind of story.
  • 0
Aug. 8, 2006, 8:08pm
  • by Shan
  • (unregistered id: F1BF94FC3B)
  • Reply
Actually, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if now, since Rusty's dreams are changing and JJ seems to be coming into his own nicely, we'll start to see a more positive change in Rusty. Billy and Pete did remind Rusty that he was once someone kids looked up to. That he was more an andventurer then a scientist. Now that he has JJ in his life, someone who can live up to Venture Sr.'s name, maybe Rusty can come into his own and realize he has potential in other avenues. I also believe that deep down he does care about the boys, but is afraid to get close to them because he doesn't want to go through the pain of losing them like with his own father. His reactioon to seeing his father(although an alien in the end) was clear. The only one he seems to really be close to is Brock and I'm still mullinthe why's to that one out. there are several possibilities there. Just my 2 cents anyway.
  • 0
Aug. 9, 2006, 5:03am
  • by jus10ray
  • (unregistered id: 4F9B48E63B)
  • Reply
Actually, I think Johnny's been shooting dope into his scrotum. He is hip, after all.

He was definitely sporting numerous needle marks on his arm. Looks like Johnny likes him the smack.
  • 0
Aug. 8, 2006, 9:45pm
  • by D
  • (unregistered id: D5E7F1F0FC)
  • Reply
well being 2 feet tall and having a prostetic arm is not an applicable flaw in this case. I am talking about flawed or offkey(in case of protagonist) personality traits which make a parody character.

he seems too much of a traditional hero cartoon character to warrant his stealing the airtime from the hillariously awful human being rusty. At least for a show like venture bros.
  • 0
Aug. 9, 2006, 8:31am

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