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I just read this off of Jackson Publick's blog in the "comments" section and this made me feel so much better about my concerns (I copied it from the site, hope that's cool) :
"Points taken, but I submit that the deaths of two walking, talking, pie-eyed sixteen year old boys--regardless of their genesis--is a horrifying thing to behold, and something to be avoided at all costs. Hence Brock will always defend them unto death--because they ARE alive, they ARE his responsibility, and Brock IS dedicated to his mission (and has warmed up to them over the years). A conundrum? Sure, somewhat. But no more illogical than the way everyone else in the Venture world dutifully go about their appointed roles (supervillains hassle scientists, scientists invent stuff, henchmen obey supervillains, etc.), which is to say that it's completely illogical but thems the rules of the game. Brock is most certainly wounded by the boys' deaths each and every time they die. He probably beats himself up for a while. But, being a realist, he moves on and tries again (if you're trying to quit smoking and you cave in to cravings and have one, is it better to give up and start smoking again, or to curse yourself and renew your commitment?) His and Doc's shared, somewhat lighthearted reminiscences about the boys' previous deaths is probably a sort of "gallows humor" coping device. The man is, after all, a professional assassin.

As for Doc needing to "find himself" after the boys' deaths, well...he didn't. That's just a bullshit line he probably fed everyone who was trying to hold him back from his globe-spanning trip. The reality is that Doc is way more selfish than that. Though he knows he has to play by the superscientist rules and revivify the boys, just as he's done for years, he is not-so-secretly relieved every time he's able to get off the hook of being a father for even a month. Then it's back to business as usual.

Trust me, by the third episode or so all of this death of the boys stuff will be behind you and you can safely enjoy t
  • 0
Jun. 27, 2006, 7:14am

Trust me, by the third episode or so all of this death of the boys stuff will be behind you and you can safely enjoy the characters again. We are witnessing these characters in their "dirty little secret" mode in this premiere episode--we're seeing them at their ugliest, behind closed doors. Their world has rebooted, they will press on as always, and even you, the viewer, will put it all in the back of your mind and enjoy them for who they are in the other 12 episodes, as you presumably did last season.

Don't worry...they're not gonna be a pair of Kennys. To quote Doc: "stop it, they are HANK and DEAN. They have all the same memories, same annoying tendencies, same everything."
  • 0
Jun. 27, 2006, 7:15am

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