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  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
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Random Final Observations:

- Why didn't they just present the nano-bots from the previous episode at the Science Now Conference?

- Manolo and his crew are always working, yet... nothing is seemingly getting fully done.
And their work van is STILL smashed.

- Dr. Mrs. has a box labelled 'knick knacks' in her bedroom.

- 21 has a 20 sided die t-shirt, an unmistakable D&D reference.
21's real first name could be a reference to the co-creator of D&D, the late Gary Gygax.

- Dr. Mrs. must've been talking to nobody for several minutes in the shower... the Monarch is allll the way in the secret basement before she realizes he's gone.

- Manolo has acute hearing, he knew she was coming down the stairs instantly.

- It pleases me that the Monarch still hates Phantom Limb, Dr. Mrs. the Monarch's and Red+Dragoon's complete re-acceptance of him... still feels odd.

- Hank just needs his special hat if he wants to be a lady-killer again.

- Dr. Venture apparently carries numerous STD pamphlets at all times.

- The silent washing machine is the most reasonable invention pitched, even if it likely already exists in real life in some capacity.

- Billy and White's presentation slides flow seamlessly at the exact perfect timing of the natural conversation happening without any apparent operation... that's an invention worth pitching!

- Billy foreshadows that the mind control gas will go horribly awry.

- 24's momentary dialogue 'return' was perfect.

- Those old Blue Morpho sex tapes were definitely filmed in the Monarch's childhood home in his fathers study. The butterfly collection is a dead giveaway.

- There appears to be a running joke of Hatred getting severely beaten up this season.

- Billy gets gassed briefly by White during testing before the insanity with the gas later on. I wonder why he didn't trip immediately?

- The space suits were a nice touch, it made it actually feel like space travel.

- 1.075 million people watched this episode live.

- The aggro crag was a obstacle course/mountain from the show Nickelodeon Guts.

- Let Hatred get hospitalized. LOL!

- "Here's my plan.. I'm going to rocket that TOOL behind us!" - the Blue Morhpo

- Took him twenty years to grow it... now it's to trendy... he'll donate to locks with love. Totally hilarious!

- 21 has some badass ninja moves.

- Billy getting the short straw again is a reference to previous episodes.

- The Monarch and 21 save Billy... but you could argue they helped save everyone since Brock ran off.

- 21 definitely punched him to death, his skull was completely busted open.

- "Your secret is safe with me... Blue Morpho." - Billy

- 21 and the Monarch got their sweet retro ride towed, damn.

- The Monarch is slowly ruining his marriage more with every new episode.

- Always fun to see the Monarch without his cowel.

- Blue Morpho's basic initials are B.M.

- The hat hides the Monarch's signature eyebrows, hence why he only shaved his beard.

- Steve Rattazzi voiced the villainous Haraguetan. A clever play on the words harangue and orangutan.

That's all citizen's.
  • 2
Feb. 24, 2016, 12:40am
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
Oh, and two more notes.

- Kate McKinnon has been in every episode this year (so far), as have many other cast members like Hal Lublin, who is new this year. The cast list is big on every episode and it shows, this is an insanely great season partially b/c of all the new characters.

- Warriana definitely lives in Wide Wale's building. This is situational irony, as she royally bad mouths the tower during her series introduction.
  • 1
Feb. 24, 2016, 2:20am
  • by AntonSolo (log-in troubles)
  • (unregistered id: A2AA970970)
  • Reply
Let's not forget the Citizen's Action League, or whatever they're called, are a front group for Wide Whale's extortion racket. Which brings up another thought. We know the O.S.I. acts as a sort of "super Villain interdiction force," dealing with those who aren't Guild members. But what about the other end of the spectrum? Is there some kind of similar organization for Superheroes? Granted, we've only rarely seen non-OSI heroes, i.e., Captain Sunshine and his "Action News" team. Or, to borrow a famous quote, " Who watches the Watchers?"
  • 1
Feb. 24, 2016, 6:34am
Here's a question: If Wide Wale has "exclusive arching rights" on Dr. Venture then why are these other clowns trying to menace him?
  • 2
Feb. 24, 2016, 9:13am
Wide Wale is a kingpin. His reach is far. He probably allows these shmos to give Rusty as much grief as possible so he doesn't need to waste his own time. Possibly hires them/tips them off. He'd certainly hear about it and if he had any issue, stop it himself.
  • 2
Feb. 24, 2016, 12:03pm
That is likely so. Sorta like how sometimes The Monarch would send his henchmen to arch Doc while he remained back at the cocoon. Hopefully these shmos will be more competent and / or menacing than the likes of Manosaurus and the Sri Lankan Devil Bird (R.I.P.)
  • 0
Feb. 24, 2016, 2:38pm
"- Dr. Venture apparently carries numerous STD pamphlets at all times." - That was a great callback to Assisted Suicide where Pete / Thanatos says the reason he made Rusty quit match.com was that "many of those women could be murderous gold diggers (like Doc was rich or something), or carries a chlamydia".
  • 0
Feb. 24, 2016, 2:42pm

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